We're Here to Help You

This is the hardest thing you will go through. We want to help you find answers and help guide you through the difficult decisions and emotions.

Let Us help you

What We Do

Financial Help & Resources

The financial impact of childhood cancer can be devastating. We try to ease as much of that burden as we can through urgent funds, events and donations.
Get Started 

Community Awareness

Families + communities fighting cancer as one. It's a mission to bring awareness to something that happens more often than you think.
We need your help 

Our Inspiration

The list of help for families facing childhood cancer grows every day. We'll help you find the resources you need to help make every day a little easier.
Meet the Kids 

Who We Are

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Learn more about Kids r Golden 

Upcoming Events

Will you help us take cancer down?

Dealing with cancer is a journey that shouldn’t be something children and families do alone. With your help we can provide much-needed resources for these awesome kids. The best part is that your contributions help children right in your community.

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