Our Mission

Kids r Golden provides financial support and guidance to families battling childhood cancer. We serve Henry County and surrounding areas with help from local communities.

What We Do

Donations & Fundraising

[Change wording] The financial impact of childhood cancer can be devastating. We try to ease as much of that burden as we can through urgent funds, events and donations.
Donate now 

Community Awareness

[Change wording] Families + communities fighting cancer as one. It's a mission to bring awareness to something that happens more often than you think.
Become a volunteer 


[Change wording] The list of help for families facing childhood cancer grows every day. We'll help you find the resources you need to help make every day a little easier.
Become a sponsor 

Who We are

Ashley York

Ashley is the founder of Kids r Golden and cupiditate voluptatem ea esse vel commodi assumenda ex. Ut distinctio ut aliquam modi et commodi. Autem molestiae facilis tempora doloribus. 

Amy Byrket

Ullam sint non nulla. Nobis veniam et architecto nisi numquam a natus laudantium et. Quia error ipsam sed sapiente eligendi deleniti maxime.

Pariatur aut et. Omnis consequuntur distinctio aut eveniet doloribus optio est. 

Brittany Davis

Enim mollitia voluptas rerum provident. Non id error quia quod officiis.  Repudiandae fuga expedita dolorem dolorem deserunt sit aliquam.

Nihil iusto vel consequatur et error repellat aut possimus et. Quia quae sint ipsum.

Brock Davis

Delectus inventore aliquid. Vero nemo hic. At quia cupiditate officia ipsam. Dolores eius reprehenderit enim modi quo. 

Aliquam doloremque rem est ullam. Quia in qui dolorum doloribus adipisci quis dolor odit corporis. 

Kelli Mayne

Voluptatum dolor et molestiae ipsa enim. Enim in repellendus illo vero minima saepe aut inventore fuga. Fuga neque et ratione. Sed culpa eaque amet. Eveniet soluta numquam quo atque.

Will you help us take cancer down?

Dealing with cancer is a journey that shouldn’t be something children and families do alone. With your help we can provide much-needed resources for these awesome kids. The best part is that your contributions help children right in your community.

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Learn more about volunteering and sponsorships.

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